Motorcycle Culture

My work in cultural studies took me into the emerging field of motorcycle studies. With Steven Alford, I have published two books. We have also contributed articles to Harley-Davidson and Philosophy and penned the Introduction to An Anthology of Early British Motorcycle Travel Writing. We edited the International Journal of Motorcycle Studies (IJMS) for ten years and still serve on its editorial board.

Cover of Motorcycle
Cover of An Alternative History of Bicycles and Motorcycles

Articles/Book Chapters

“Leather-Clad: Eroticism, Fetishism and Other -isms in Biker Fashion,” Harley Davidson and Philosophy: Full-Throttle Aristotle, ed. Bernard E. Rollin, Carolyn M. Gray, Kerri Mommer and Cynthia Pineo (Chicago: Open Court Press, 2005), 157-166.

“Motorcycle Myth and Culture: An Honors Seminar” (co-authored with Steven Alford) International Journal of Motorcycle Studies 8.2 (Fall 2012)

“ Creating the Exhibit ‘Motorcycle: Beschleunigung und Rebellion?’” International Journal of Motorcycle Studies 6.1 (2010)

“Classifying Motorcycle Writing: A Preliminary Consideration” (co-authored with Steven Alford), International Journal of Motorcycle Studies 2.2 (July 2006)